Category: Hearing Protection

The Dos and Don’ts of Living With Tinnitus

Millions of people experience tinnitus every year. The persistent noise from tinnitus can make even simple daily tasks a challenge. Some people experiencing tinnitus report that they’re having trouble concentrating because their tinnitus is such a distraction. Others emphasize the negative effects that tinnitus has had on their personal relationships.

The Critical Importance of Effective Military Hearing Protection

Whether you’re a current member of the armed forces, someone considering joining the military, or a friend or loved one of a service member, never underestimate the importance of effective military hearing protection. During the course of their service, many members of the military are frequently exposed to high-intensity noises: aircraft, gunfire, machinery, explosions, sirens, and more. Whether these noises are acute, one-time sounds or continuous cacophonies, they can produce permanent, noise-induced hearing loss or tinnitus (which is characterized by ringing or buzzing in the ears). The more often you’re exposed to loud noises, the higher your risk of developing hearing loss, which is why it’s so important for our service members to wear hearing protection every time they are ... Read more

Hearing Protection for Musicians

Musicians experience the world a little differently, especially when it comes to their relationship with sound. They create art that profoundly impacts lives – whether fans are getting their groove on at a music festival or savoring a classical symphony. Musicians tap into the most sophisticated parts of the human psyche to create art with sound. This art would not be possible without a musician’s first instrument, their auditory system. The greatest irony of a musician’s art is that it poses an occupational hazard. The very essence of a live musical performance, the volume and length of time that music is played, can cause permanent hearing injury to those playing and enjoying it. In fact, musicians are four times more likely to ... Read more

Adventures with Hidden Hearing Loss

By Dr. Tony Kovacs, Au.D. Have you ever been to a restaurant with family or friends and noticed your guests are having an easier time understanding the conversation? Have you found yourself leaning in to try to join the conversation, only to be left scratching your head? Hi, I’m Dr. Tony Kovacs, Sound Relief Audiologist in beautiful Fort Collins, Colorado. This restaurant scenario was exactly my experience every time I was in a noisy environment. I concluded that I must have a hearing loss. What other possibilities could there be? Though frustrated with my limited ability to understand my friends and family, I certainly wasn’t shocked because I’d been spending many years mistreating my ears. Before deciding to pursue my ... Read more

Hearing Health Tips for Back-to-School Season

Fleets of school buses have taken to the streets. Kids are rocking new threads. The crispness of fall is beginning to creep into the air. It’s official: Back-to-school season is here. In the frenzy of returning to school, it’s easy to forget about your personal health. And staying healthy during the school year goes far beyond getting a flu shot – you also need to look after your ears. While protecting your hearing might not be at the top of your to-do list, maintaining your hearing is a lifelong job. Read on for some back-to-school hearing health tips. Prevent Hearing Loss Before It Happens Hearing loss isn’t just a concern for older individuals. Young people can cause irreversible damage to ... Read more

Best Apps to Measure Noise Levels

If you have a smartphone, you already have a valuable tool close at hand that can help you protect your hearing. With the right app, you can check whether surrounding sounds are too loud. The best apps to measure noise levels provide accurate results and make it easy for you to tell when a loud sound is actually too loud.