Category: Hearing Loss

Better Communication Tips

By: Dr. Sarah Pitrone, Au.D., CH-TM Fall is here and holiday gatherings are right around the corner. As family gatherings, Friendsgiving and office Christmas parties commence, hearing in crowds can be challenging, anxiety-producing and downright frustrating. In addition to using hearing technology, these effective communication strategies can turn a social gathering from isolating to enjoyable by giving you as many listening advantages as possible. Share these better communication tips with your loved ones so they can help keep the conversation flowing.

Upgrading Hearing Technology

When and why should I consider upgrading my hearing technology? If your hearing has changed and the hearing technology has improved to a point where you can benefit from it, you should consider upgrading hearing technology. Schedule an appointment here for a hearing test to see if your hearing has changed and possibly test-drive new hearing technology to see if it can benefit you.

Tinnitus and Hearing Discounts for our Heros

At Sound Relief Tinnitus & Hearing Center, we believe in recognizing and appreciating the heroes who selflessly serve our communities and nation. We understand that military personnel (active and retired), veterans, first responders, teachers, and nurses often encounter unique challenges that can lead to unresolved hearing issues such as tinnitus, sensitivity to sound, or hearing loss. These heroes put their lives on the line and devote themselves to our well-being, and we want to show our gratitude. We offer a 15% discount on all devices and services to help address their hearing impairments.

Can Hearing Aids Reduce the Risk of Dementia?

A recent study has indicated that individuals with untreated hearing loss may be more at risk of dementia when compared to those without hearing loss. The study, published in The Lancet Public Health journal on April 13, is the largest of its kind, comprising 437,704 individuals, and is the most compelling evidence to date of this connection. However, there is some hope. The findings also suggest that early detection of hearing loss and treatment with hearing aids can eliminate this increased risk to improve longevity.

A Closer Look into Hearing Loss in Dogs and Dog Hearing Tests

Dog hearing tests can help you determine whether or not your dog may be experiencing hearing loss or deafness. Just raise your paw when you hear the beep! However, hearing tests for dogs are not performed in the same way that we test hearing in most humans. This is done using Brainstem Auditory Evoked Response (BAER) test. It is similar to the hearing test that is done on infants.

Ototoxic Drugs That May Cause Tinnitus or Hearing Loss

What medications can cause hearing loss or tinnitus? Quite a few. Believe it or not, but more than 600 medications can cause tinnitus, hearing loss, or balance problems. These ototoxic drugs include over-the-counter (OTC) and prescription medications.