Manage Your Hyperacusis
According to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, hyperacusis is a hearing disorder that causes people to experience everyday noises at such high levels that it causes irritation, anxiety, or even physical pain.
While rare, hyperacusis can make the daily life of those who suffer from it difficult and uncomfortable. Not only do those with hyperacusis have difficulty being around excessively loud noises, like an airplane, gun firing, or live music, but even moderate to soft environmental sounds, such as emptying your dishwasher or someone speaking loudly, can be challenging to adapt to.

Address Your Hearing Loss
Hearing loss occurs when any part of your auditory system is not working as it should. Hearing loss can result from an issue in the outer ear, middle ear, inner ear, or even along the auditory nerve. Hearing loss can range from mild to profound and affects each individual differently. There are four primary types of hearing loss, including conductive hearing loss, sensorineural hearing loss, mixed hearing loss, and auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder. We can identify the specific type and cause of your hearing loss to develop a personalized hearing optimization plan that works for you.

Sound Relief Hearing Center Providing Hearing Care Since 2011.
If you are living with unresolved hearing issues such as tinnitus, sensitivity to sound, or difficulty hearing in background noise or groups, you are not alone.
Most people naturally compensate by using visual cues and the context of a conversation. Others try to block out or ignore unwanted noises competing for their attention. While these strategies may work for the short term, they deplete our energy and cognitive reserve.
Ultimately, relationships become strained, emotions are more difficult to control, and by the end of the day, you have nothing left.
Thankfully, you do not have to live that way. You should be able to live your best life.

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Treating Tinnitus and Improving Your Hearing Health with Sound Relief

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